Khulna University of Engineering & Technology

খুলনা প্রকৌশল ও প্রযুক্তি বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়

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  • Disscusion Meeting on National Mourning Day 2012 held at KUET
    August 29, 2012
  • To observe the National Mourning Day and 37th martyrdom anniversary of architect of the independence and the Father of Nation, the great leader of the history, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman with due respect and solemnity, a discussion meeting was held on August 29, 2012 Wednesday at the Auditorium of KUET, organized by the authority of Khulna University of Engineering and Technology (KUET). Vice-chancellor of KUET Prof. Dr. Muhammed Alamgir was present as the Chief Guest, while Prof. Dr. Sanjoy Kumar Adhikary, former Vice-Chancellor of Noakhali University of Science & Professor of Agro-technology Discipline of Khulna University (KU) was present as the Keynote Speaker. In his speech, Prof. Alamgir said that the ever greatest achievement of the nation came in 1971 by the hand of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman. He has gifted us a National Flag and a Sovereign Land. So we are ever whole heartedly owed to him. The keynote speaker narrated the struggles and sacrifices of Bangabandhu for the nation. He said we must follow his philosophy and do our best to materialize his dream to built Sonar Bangla. Dean, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Prof. Dr. A N M Mizanur Rahman, Dean (in-charge), Faculty of Civil Engineering Prof. Dr. Shibendra Shekher Sikder, Dean, Faculty of Electrical and Electronic Engineering Prof. Dr. Ashraful Ghani Bhuiyan addresses in the meeting as the Special Guests. Director (IICT) Prof. Dr. Md. Keramat Ali Molla, Director (Research and Extension) Prof. Dr. Nasim Ahmed, president of KUET Officers’ Association G M Shahidul Alam, among students Ali Imtiaz Shohan and Habib, Maksudul Islam Pathan among staff spoke in the function. The speakers called all patriotic forces to be united against anti-liberation forces and asked the country people to build the country in the footsteps of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman’s dreams. They strongly demanded immediate arrest and exemplary punishment to the remaining six fugitives who were involved in the killing of Bangabandhu on August 15, 1975. The students of KUET, Teachers and Officers of all stages, other staff, and elite persons of the city with many others attended the function. DSW (in-charge) of KUET, Prof. Dr. Md. Harunur Rashid Presided over the discussion meeting.