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:: EICT 2019: Program Schedule:: Shuttle Bus Services::

 Electrical, Electronics, Information and Communication Technology contribute greatly in the advancement of technologies. Rapid technological advancements can be achieved through continuous research. The faculty of Electrical and Electronic Engineering (EEE) of Khulna University of Engineering & Technology (KUET) is going to organize the 4th International Conference on Electrical Information and Communication Technology (EICT) on 20-22 December 2019 in the industrial city Khulna of Bangladesh. The main objective is to create an effective platform for researchers and technical experts to share recent ideas, innovations, and problem-solving techniques in the vast areas of electrical, information and communication engineering. It will be a great opportunity for both researchers and industrial communities to meet, discuss and share their research outcomes. Prospective authors are invited to submit their original technical papers for presentation at the conference and publications in the conference proceedings.

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IEEE Conference Number: 48899

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Media Type Part Number ISBN
XPLORE COMPLIANT CFP1918W-ART 978-1-7281-6040-5
USB/PRINT CFP1918W-USB/PRT 978-1-7281-6039-9
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