Md. Sakib Hasan Khan
Assistant Professor
Electrical and Electronic Engineering (EEE)
Khulna University of Engineering & Technology (KUET)
Khulna -9203, Bangladesh. Phone: +88041774900, 769468-75 Ext. 8305

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ٱلسَّلَامُ عَلَيْكُمْ (Peace be upon you), Welcome to my official page! I am Sakib, working as an Assistant Professor in this department since December 2020. After completing my B.Sc. Engineering in EEE in 2018, I joined as a faculty member in this department, and it is when my career in academia started. My research journey in computational photochemistry commenced with my M.Sc. Engineering in EEE since 2018. To me, the physics of nano-verse is quite lucrative as how quantum phenomena are occurred in between subatomic particles. The electron-electron, and electron-nuclear interactions and the light-matter interaction at the quantum level, revealing unique-unseen properties of nanostructures, drives me to learn the physics behind them and study them from their core. I found the predictive power of nano-physics from the first principles strongly useful to unleash alternative possibilities of hard-to-solve problems of the world through computer-based virtual experiments. Computational modeling harnessing first-principles density functional theory along with quantum many-body perturbation theory for light-matter interactions have the capability to mimic nearly experimental-like properties of nanostructured material with high precision which is both time-saving and cost-effective compared to experiments. From my former bit of experience, I stemmed to pursue my research focused on the computational modeling of nanostructured materials for exploring green and renewable energy sources. I have developed my core research interest in revealing nonconventional novel materials, utilizing computational quantum chemistry, for highly efficient photocatalytic water splitting for hydrogen fuel generation, a mesmerizing alternative as renewable CO2-free fuel. I am also volunteering as a reviewer of Material Research Express (MRE), an IOPScience Journal. Please feel free to contact me in any collaborative research or contributions based on Density Functional Theory (DFT).